number: 21
Network broadcast date: Monday,
August 31, 1964
Genre: Human interest drama
Author: Virginia Radcliffe
Production number: 28
Production date: Monday,
August 3, 1964
Director: Warren Somerville
Plotline: A crane operator has reservations about taking the wrecking ball to a beautiful old house and when his unsentimental foreman forces him to go through with it, they hear a woman’s scream. No body turns up but after the death of a night watchman and an encounter with a ghostly apparition, the foreman starts to wonder if this house is trying to tell him something.
Listen: https://archive.org/details/T5project/Theater+Five+640831+021+The+Scream.flac
Cast: Roger DeKoven, Harry Bellaver, Alan Oppenheimer, Peter Fernandez, Abby Lewis
Radcliffe was a 1940s radio writer, mainly for Cavalcade of America; this episode was nominated for a 1965 Writers Guild of America award