number: 24
Network broadcast date: Thursday,
September 3, 1964
Trouble with Alfie
Genre: Suspense drama
Author: George Bamber
Production number: 26
Production date: Thursday,
July 30, 1964
Director: Warren Somerville
Plotline: Alfie loves shocking his family with tall tales of mass murder and dismembered corpses. But when bodies actually start piling up in the neighborhood and the police begin poking around, his mom can’t help but wonder if there might be some truth to Alfie’s sick jokes.
Listen: https://archive.org/details/T5project/Theater+Five+640903+024+The+Trouble+with+Alfie.flac
Cast: Jack Grimes, James Monks, Bryna Raeburn, Ian Martin
Nick Palmer, who is writing the plotline summaries for the blog, included this production in his list of top episodes of the series.