number: 50
Network broadcast date: Friday,
October 9, 1964
Sorry, Mom
Genre: Psychological drama
Author: Vernon Delston
Production number: 47
Production date: Wednesday,
September 9, 1964
Director: Warren Somerville
Plotline: Convinced his mother doesn’t care about him, the scion of a wealthy dynasty makes a deal with some hoods: fake his kidnapping and they’ll split the ransom. What could go wrong? Turns out, a lot when you don’t really know the criminals you’ve gotten into business with — or your own family.
Listen: https://archive.org/details/T5project/Theater+Five+641009+050+I'm+Sorry%2C+Mom+(sl+clipped+close).flac
Cast: Peter Fernandez, Lorraine MacMartin, Robert Dryden, Jack Grimes, Frank Thomas
Delston was a TV writer