number: 57
Network broadcast date: Tuesday,
October 20, 1964
Man Who Loved Jellyroll
Genre: Melodrama
Author: Albert G. Miller
Production number: 60
Production date: Monday,
September 28, 1964
Director: Warren Somerville
Plotline: After getting knocked unconscious with a golf club, Fred Lambert wakes up in the hospital with the ability to read people’s minds. That’s bad news for his wife and his assistant who’ve been plotting his murder.
Listen: https://archive.org/details/T5project/Theater+Five+641020+057+The+Man+Who+Loved+Jellyroll.flac
Cast: James Monks, Fran Carlon, George Petrie, Gertrude Warner, Ralph Camargo
Miller started in advertising in the late 1920s and became a gag writer for Fred Allen, Ben Bernie, and George Jessel, created plotlines for Buck Rogers radio serial, wrote for radio and TV's Official Detective series, CBS Radio Workshop, and eventually wrote children's books, especially for the Sesame Street franchise
The episode opens with a spoken plot description rather than an opening scene, and does not have Foy announcing over opening music