Network broadcast date: Monday,
November 2, 1964
17th, Where Are You?
Genre: Melodramatic romance
Author: George Lowther
Production number: 71
Production date: Wednesday,
October 14, 1964
Director: Warren Somerville
Plotline: A stubborn school marm returns from a cruise trip furious to discover she lost a day when her ship crossed the International Dateline and sets out to sue the steamship company for her loss.
Cast: Lesley Woods, Robert Dryden, James Monks
Variety of 1964-11-03 and -04 report Warren Somerville is in Hollywood to recruit talent for T5; surviving recording is missing the opening tease
This was selected by Nick Palmer as one of the "dogs of T5." This might have been an interesting story in the years when so few people traveled internationally and did not have access to high speed jet travel that crosses time zones so quickly. More of the general public is aware of time zones and such than when this was broadcast. This gimmick could have been funny as an old Bob Newhart stand-up routine. The first half of the episode belabors the date line issue (likely filling time to the commercial break), and the in the second half the story turns into a romance! The story just doesn’t work as a whole. The second half is functional but not endearing or amusing enough to redeem the episode.