Network broadcast date: Wednesday,
November 25, 1964
Little Knowledge
Genre: Emotional drama
Author: Phyllis Coe
Production number: 86
Production date: Wednesday,
November 11, 1964
Director: Warren Somerville
Plotline: Police discover a man’s body in a hotel room and call for his next of kin. The only problem? Two women show up claiming to be his wife. One’s a timid housewife, the other a sexy vamp and the more they talk, the clearer it becomes this guy was living two lives and he was a terrible husband in both of them.
Cast: Toni Darnay, Ethel Everett, Vicki Vola, Paul McGrath
Surviving recording in poor sound is an aircheck of KGO San Francisco that includes PSAs for epilepsy in the middle break and about fallout shelters at the ending break.