number: 144
Network broadcast date: Thursday,
February 18, 1965
It's a
Work of Art
Genre: Science fiction
Author: Lillian Andrews
Production number: 145
Production date: Friday,
January 29, 1965
Director: Warren Somerville
Producer: Warren Somerville
Plotline: Four scientists arrive at a government outpost hundreds of miles below the earth’s surface, where they begin work on the mysterious Project Adam. Tension grows as one of the scientists demands to know more about the strange machine they are building.
Listen: https://archive.org/details/T5project/Theater+Five+650218+144+It's+a+Work+of+Art.flac
Cast: Paul McGrath, William Mason, George Petrie, Hal Studer, Donald Buka
Andrews was a 1950s TV writer; No opening tease