number: 171
Network broadcast date: Monday,
March 29, 1965
The Avenger
Genre: Mystery drama
Author: Jules Archer
Production number: 161
Production date: Thursday,
February 18, 1965
Director: Warren Somerville
Producer: Warren Somerville
Plotline: A stranger claiming to speak to the dead shows up at a man’s door with a message from the old woman the man killed in a car accident. He may have been found innocent in a court of law but this stranger is here to deliver a different kind of justice: a death sentence in the form of a prayer. This begins the stranger’s killing spree, avenging the dead with a deadly prayer. Can the police stop him? After all, it’s not illegal to pray a man to death…
Listen: https://archive.org/details/T5project/Theater+Five+650329+171+The+Avenger.flac
Cast: Paul McGrath, Peter Fernandez, Bryna Raeburn, Gilbert Mack, David Kerman
No opening tease