number: 177
Network broadcast date: Tuesday,
April 6, 1965
Death Do Us
Genre: Social drama
Author: Raphael David Blau
Production number: 177
Production date: Friday,
March 12, 1965
Director: Ted Bell
Producer: not announced
Plotline: A golf pro and his married girlfriend check into a roadside motel intending to carry out a suicide pact. But as the sleeping pills start to take effect, hidden truths are revealed and plans shift from suicide to murder.
Listen: https://archive.org/details/T5project/Theater+Five+650406+177+Until+Death+Do+Us.flac
Cast: Elspeth Eric, William Mason, Hal Burdick
Inside joke about the radio business at about 4:30 -- Motel manager walks the couple though all the room amenities "TV, coin-phone, radio -- but it's broken"