number: 181
Network broadcast date: Monday,
April 12, 1965
Matter of Pride
Genre: Melodrama
Author: Ian Martin
Production number: 185
Production date: Wednesday,
March 24, 1965
Director: Ted Bell
Producer: not announced
Plotline: A terrible accident left a construction worker blind and full of self-hatred now that he can’t work and his wife is forced to be the breadwinner. But when they’re taken hostage by a crazed gunman, will he get his chance to prove that he’s not useless after all?
Listen: https://archive.org/details/T5project/Theater+Five+650412+181+A+Matter+of+Pride.flac
Cast: Arlene Walker, Jack Grimes, Jim Dukas, Ruth Yorke, Alan Bergman
CBSRMT 1974-09-25, The Deadly Blind Man's Bluff; no opening tease