number: 192
Network broadcast date: Tuesday,
April 27, 1965
is a Strange Child
Genre: Mystery fantasy
Author: Romeo Muller
Production number: 192
Production date: Friday,
April 2, 1965
Director: Ted Bell
Producer: not announced
Plotline: A high school English teacher becomes concerned about his odd new student who refuses to share any details about herself, hiding where she lives and even her last name. When he decides to solve the mystery himself, he uncovers a horrifying family secret going back centuries and meets a shocking end.
Listen: https://archive.org/details/T5project/Theater+Five+650427+192+Lorna+is+a+Strange+Child.flac
Cast: Rosemary Rice, Abby Lewis, Stan Watt, Maurice Tarplin, John Seymour, Dulcie Jordan
No opening tease