number: 207
Network broadcast date: Tuesday,
May 18, 1965
Integrity Ruin Clint Marble?
Genre: Comedy
Author: Albert G. Miller
Production number: 207
Production date: Thursday,
April 22, 1965
Director: unknown at this time
Producer: not announced
Plotline: A movie star shocks Hollywood when he rejects his Best Actor Oscar, moving back home to the Midwest to live a more “authentic” life. But even if he’s ditched his toupee and taken a job at an auto shop, when the tiny, personal film he makes in his basement attracts the attention of his old producer, he finds Hollywood calling yet again.
Cast: Ed Zimmerman, Carl Caruso, Court Benson; rest of cast unknown at this time
No opening tease in surviving recording; Carl Caruso substitutes for Fred Foy as announcer. In the episode when Clint refuses his Oscar, the announcer says it’s the first time an actor has ever done that. This was true at the time, but just five years later in 1970, George C Scott would become the first actor to actually do it followed by Marlon Brando in 1973.