number: 213
Network broadcast date: Wednesday,
May 26, 1965
at Phong Trang
Genre: Topical drama
Author: Stanley Rubens
Production number: 213
Production date: Wednesday,
April 28, 1965
Director: Warren Somerville
Producer: not announced
Plotline: Imprisoned behind enemy lines, an American P.O.W. is grilled about the US’s latest technology. But the more the interrogator learns about his prisoner’s friendship with a Vietnamese “traitor,” the more the soldiers start to form their own unlikely bond.
Listen: https://archive.org/details/T5project/Theater+Five+650526+213+Incident+at+Phong+Trang.flac
Cast: Robert Dryden, Gilbert Mack, Larry Robinson, James Monks
Rubens was a writer but found most of his success as a business executive and real estate developer; his last local stage play was produced when he was 91 in 2005 (from 2006 obituary); no opening tease.