number: 227
Network broadcast date: Tuesday,
June 15, 1965
A Bad
Day's Work
Genre: Social drama
Author: Fielden Farrington
Production number: 227
Production date: Tuesday,
May 18, 1965
Director: Warren Somerville
Producer: not announced
Plotline: A rookie patrolman kills a purse snatcher on his first day in Harlem. The shooting may have been by-the-book, but as public anger builds into a riot and the cop is forced to lay low in a motel, he starts to realize the Academy and the street have two very different rulebooks.
Listen: https://archive.org/details/T5project/Theater+Five+650615+227+A+Bad+Day's+Work.flac
Cast: Alan Alda, Natalie Priest, Frederick O'Neal, Bob Hastings