Episode number: 255
Network broadcast date: Friday,
July 23, 1965
Happened to the 5:25?
Genre: Drama
Author: James McGinn
Production number: 255
Production date: Tuesday,
June 29, 1965
Director: Warren Somerville
Producer: not announced
Plotline: When a middle-aged commuter’s usual train home is cancelled, he breaks his routine for the first time in years, grabbing a drink at the terminal bar and striking up a conversation with a wild young woman — who is about to change his life forever.
Listen: https://archive.org/details/T5project/Theater+Five+650723+255+Whatever+Happened+to+the+5-25.flac
Cast: Stan Watt, Jerry Hausner,
Gilbert Mack, Carol Ann Daniels
Fred Foy reads the opening