number: 11
Network broadcast date: Monday,
August 17, 1964
Fun Party
Genre: Topical comedy
Author: Phyllis Coe
Production number: 16
Production date: Tuesday,
July 14, 1964
Director: Warren Somerville
Plotline: Carl Wyatt muddles through a dull, colorless life in his small apartment until he receives a call out of the blue — one of his downstairs neighbors is throwing a party and they’d like him to attend. As if by magic, once he’s surrounded by these sophisticated, beautiful people, he becomes wittier and more charming. But can he resist his old habits long enough to stay one of the “Golden People”?
Cast: Gilbert Mack, George Petrie, Bryna Raeburn, Cliff Carpenter, Connie Lembcke
Coe was a 1950s television writer and wrote for many radio series.