number: 13
Network broadcast date: Wednesday,
August 19, 1964
of Evil
Genre: Social drama
Author: Raphael David Blau
Production number: 19
Production date: Friday,
July 17, 1964
Director: Ted Bell
Plotline: After a series of obscene phone calls, Lorraine desperately searches for help. The police have no leads and her friends are useless, so she takes matters into her own hands by turning the tables on this creep. But as she draws him deeper into her own web of seduction, the horrifying truth starts to become clear.
Listen: https://archive.org/details/T5project/Theater+Five+640819+013+Ring+of+Evil.flac
Cast: Vicki Vola, Roger DeKoven, Anne Costello, Elliott Reid, Hal Hackett
"Hotel Phyllis" is the name of the hotel of the suicide jumper in Jump, Jump; the same hotel name is used here for a proposed meeting place