number: 37
Network broadcast date: Tuesday,
September 22, 1964
Odyssey of Number 14
Genre: Space-age drama
Author: Bruce Bassett
Production number: 40
Production date: Thursday,
August 27, 1964
Director: Harry Nelson
Plotline: What has happened to Ted Shaw? A radio reporter investigating the strange disappearance of an astronaut on an orbital mission runs into bureaucratic runarounds and a baffling mystery.
Listen (three different recordings):
Best sounding recording is from the original ABC feed; it includes timing of the program for the local broadcast manager to insert ads and other content at the right time https://archive.org/details/T5project/Theater+Five+640922+037+The+Odyssey+of+Number+14+(ABC+feed+with+timing+announcements).flac
These two recordings are airchecks from WLS in Chicago; the first recording is the T5 program only while the other includes news
Cast: John Thomas, Lenka Peterson,
Jay Barney, Lon Clark, Cliff Carpenter
Bassett was mainly involved in TV writing and production. The currently circulating recording is an aircheck from WLS in Chicago, and includes the news; ABC feed recording is newly discovered