number: 59
Network broadcast date: Thursday,
October 22, 1964
Genre: Mystery
Author: Sam Elkin
Production number: 59
Production date: Friday,
September 25, 1964
Director: Ted Bell
Producer: Ted Bell
Plotline: When a woman hires a private eye to tail her husband, she braces herself for news that he’s cheating on her. Instead, she discovers his secret rendezvous have been with a hit man planning her murder.
Listen: https://archive.org/details/T5project/Theater+Five+641022+059+Including+Murder.flac
Cast: George Petrie, Lesley Woods, Diana Barth, Wayne Tippit, James Monks
Elkin was a 1950s TV writer, including TV's Inner Sanctum, and a Perry Mason episode; Episode opens with a spoken plot description rather than an opening scene, and does not have Foy announcing over opening music